

Perfect party packages for your child’s birthday party
See which one of our packages works best for you...
2 Hour Party
Our most popular party package -
Have a party entertainer with you throughout your entire celebrartion.
£245 | 2 hours | Any Theme
Time to welcome guests and play with hula hoops, disco and ribbons. (Arts and crafts can be added here)
Then it's time for Classic Party Games, Bubbles, Props, Funky Disco, Prizes, all following a chosen theme.
Time for the cake. Our entertainer will help make the birthday child feel really special whilst gathering the guests to sing Happy Birthday, plus get some fabulous group pictures.
We then have 25 mins to have a bite to eat, and the entertainer is there to help assist you in any way you need.
Then back to the entertainment with pass the parcel, adventures, disco and games.
The entertainer will assist in giving out party bags.
1 x Musical Mayhem Entertainer
Does not include venue hire, food or decorations
Up to 20 children requires 1 x MM Entertainer
20 + children requires 1 x MM Entertainer plus MM Assistant

1 Hour Party
£145 | 1 hour | Any Theme
1 hour entertainment for the start of your birthday party.
Time to welcome guests and play with hula hoops, disco and ribbons. (Arts and crafts can be added here)
Then it's time for Classic Party Games, Bubbles, Props, Funky Disco, Prizes, all following a chosen theme.
Time for the cake. Our entertainer will help make the birthday child feel really special whilst gathering the guests to sing Happy Birthday, plus get some fabulous group pictures.
1 x Musical Mayhem Entertainer
Does not include venue hire, food or decorations
Up to 20 children requires 1 x MM Entertainer
20 + children requires 1 x MM Entertainer plus MM Assistant

1 Hour Virtual Party
£100 | 1 hour | Any Theme
Introduction and meet guests - time for guests to share cards, gifts and birthday wishes.
Disco, Party Games, Challenges, Adventures.
Special time to sing "Happy Birthday"
The party is filmed and edited, then made into a mini movie to keep.
Ideally 10 guests/screens for a fully interactive virtual party
Our entertainer wil log in 15 mins prior to the party, to ensure all technical elements are perfect and we have time to meet and chat with the birthday child.

Arts and Crafts - £1.50 per person
Dockland Settlements (SE165AA) Hire - 9:30 - 13:30 or 14:00 - 18:00 (3 hours, £150, 4 hours £180, plus £25 admin)
(Max 35 people in total)